These are the most read articles published in 2011 on this blog on digital publishing and digital media: The headlines are links to each article. Forget the weather and enjoy the read!
1. Five tips for editing a digital magazine
What I’ve learnt from creating the digital magazine for the Specialist Media Show on planning editorial and the readers journey.
2. Top tips for ambitious media businesses
Practical tips from my consulting work with publishers.
3. Ten new specialist publishing models
New ways to think about the business formerly known as publishing and generate revenues from surprising directions.
4. Creating online subscription content: 5 ideas for niche publishers
How to create content online that people will pay for? Ideas for consumer and b2b specialist publishers.
5. Practicalities of publisher paywalls
Five steps to consider when planning a paywall for your content
6. Five reasons specialist publishers should experiment with Kindle
While Apple iPad dominates, many publishers are doing well on Amazon’s Kindle as well: here’s some reasons why you should consider it.
7. Media Pioneers: how Factory Media grew app revenues 26%
Factory Media publish action sports magazines; they were an early adopter of the iphone/ipad for their publications and quickly built paid circulation.
8. Paid content: new research on what publishers can charge
Insights from the Specialist Media Show’s research among 200 publishers on what digital content they are charging for.
9. Specialist publishers lead the way in digital media; still bullish on print
Another article from the Specialist Media Show research: niche publishers are experimenting with digital but still feel there is a role for print
10. The digital divide: business vs consumer publishers
How digital strategies for consumer and business publishers are diverging, from the Specialist Media Show research.
The popularity of these articles show that media owners are still seeking guidance on exactly how to grow their revenues from digital content, and are keen to pick up tips from pioneering publishers. I’ll keep documenting my experiences and stories of innovative specialist media owners in this blog in 2012.
About the author: Carolyn Morgan works with niche publishers to develop their digital strategy through her consultancy business Penmaen Media. She also runs the Specialist Media Show, an annual event for niche publishers to learn about new innovations, and moderates the Specialist Media Network on LinkedIn, a community of over 750 consumer and b2b publishers. Carolyn regularly speaks and writes on digital publishing strategy. If you’d like an initial discussion about how you can make more money from your content and select the right mix of digital channels please get in touch.